In China, literary magazines can have a circulation of 500,000. I suppose it helps when your country has a population of 1.3 billion. (via Conversational Reading)

Once again, publishing online for free compared to Radiohead's In Rainbows success. In this case, a cookbook.

Much more interesting is this look at comics vs. the music business in terms of new technology, in the wake of Marvel and DC both starting online comics ventures and the largest pirated comics download site, Z-Cult, removing all it's illegal content under legal pressure.

How to design a cool book cover. If people haven't gotten the message yet, design is very, very important. One of the reasons I'd never be willing to publish a book with St. Martin's Press, for instance, is because I've heard too many horror stories about them picking a cover that the author hates and refusing to change it. One author I remember was even sending people stickers with a replacement cover they could slap on copies of the book. (Don't remember who this was, maybe I'll track down the link at some point.)

Not enough free books for you at Project Gutenberg? How about trying the Universal Digital Library? Still want more? How about the Online Books Page? Now if only it were easy to get these books on that Kindle...

Speaking of which, here's easily the funniest explanation of why the Kindle sucks bigtime.

Marketing a new comic with the appearance of "mysterious notebooks" from the world of the comic. I like any marketing effort that is both non-traditional, non-annoying and even entertaining.